Complaints and compliments
We know sometimes all does not go as planned. When this happens, we also want to hear about it. Please let us know either by advising your case manager or calling us on 1300 768 028.
If the issue is not satisfactorily resolved, please contact:
Chief Executive Officer, Andrew Harvey Community Options Australia
Suite 707, Level 7,
100 Walker Street
North Sydney NSW 2060
Ph: 1300 768 028
If, after approaching the above people, the issue is still not resolved to your satisfaction, you may contact:
Aged Care Complaints Commissioner
GPO Box 9848 SYDNEY NSW 2000
Ph: 1800 550 552
My Aged Care
Ph: 1800 200 422
Seniors Rights Service
Ph: 1800 424 079
Older Persons Advocacy Network
Ph: 1800 700 600
If you believe that our complaint management is unsatisfactory, or if you would like to speak to someone from outside our organisation, contact: Health Consumers NSW on (02) 9986 1082 or e:
Send us your feedback
We want to continue improving our services and need your help. If you are pleased with the services received, let us know via the Client Satisfaction Survey provided to you by your Case Manager.